Monday, April 09, 2007


I have just opened a new group called 'All things Textile' it was supposed to be called Textile and art quilt artists but aol would let posts to me but not out as they were to long. But l opened it as l have been searching all over for a group that was mainly about textile and and new ways of usng it, most of the groups seem to miss it out so if you want to join this is the link,


larin said...

Good luck on the new group, Jill! I saw that you left us today and was disappointed, but know you have to do what you feel you must. I've tried sending you e-mails, but they have been coming back as undeliverable. So I hope you get this one--don't mind if you don't post it--I'm more trying to just reach you somehow. Hope all is well. I enjoyed your studio pics below and your lily is lovely. We're in the middle of a dog demo project due tomorrow, so I'm off. Blessings! --LaRinda

Arty Lady's blog said...

A wonderful group, I should know, I'm a member!